Tax official: Yes. Actually, all the organizations in China must withhold personal income tax when they pay salary to their employees, except embassy. 税务局:应该说,所有有支付个人收入行为的境内机构除了大使馆外,都必须如此。
Does the company withhold income tax? 这个公司需要保留进项税额吗?
In unemployed insurance premium collect a respect, like be being planted with other risk, collect by cess Wu mechanism, insurant individual answers the unemployed insurance premium of pay, withhold from inside its salary before imposing individual income tax by place unit. 在失业保险费的征收方面,同其他险种一样,由地方税务机关征收,被保险人个人应缴纳的失业保险费,由所在单位在征收个人所得税前从其工资中扣缴。